Horizon of Infinity - streaming the chapters
This blog
(under construction)
In the process of testing different systems to bring all my work together
much appreciated for your comprehension for all the inconvenience that this is causing you.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The Sphere simple in its complexity
Lots is going to be said about this ball, because it recurs, from a sphere in a state of stasis, and metamorphoses, into a ball, a balloon, in preparation for that chaotic momentum, a framework trellis will come to structure it, which is why it need such an elaborate introduction - being the source of luminescence, in turn light, and again sight to stand at the start of HORIZON OF INFINITY as the leader to the mystery of the universe as a whole.
Chapter 2:
Cosmic thresholds; A visa-versa and the virtual world
The emphasis is on the spheres and its connecting pipes (the scaffolding pipes of structure:) How I came to realize one of the esoteric existence connecting different worlds - a place of destiny -
Workshop of a prototype space-shuttle turning out the pieces and assembling in my workshop these leading chapters.
Mechanics of the cardinal axes, their intersection blowing balloon with that color-shrapnel blowing apart assembling the pipes of auxiliary axes in support of the chaotic ball. And finally, the show against the Atomium - of a clone cell, with its skeleton that strife (to be continued) for its Unique Identity.
Chapter 4
Spirit of a bubble
One has to imagine being out there at the edge of the universe and looking at these soap bubbles and in their transparent appears the galaxies of other worlds - I don't exactly know what my visions of the universe reflected. however from subsequent visions beyond the interstellar of my travels it is more appropriate to say that universes within a universe is pretty logic.
- however; this universal phenomenon is also the system of living cells, and chemistry of quantum dynamics - which is to unfold in the following chapters.
PS.: the blog stream of chapters under a single title is stopped here, the random subject will carry on. The right reading order can be followed in my collection: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3642167/HORIZON-OF-INFINITY
You understanding while seeking a way with my work is much appreciated.
Workshop of a prototype space-shuttle turning out the pieces and assembling in my workshop these leading chapters.
Chapter 3
Preponderant chaos in need of structure
Chapter 4
Spirit of a bubble
One has to imagine being out there at the edge of the universe and looking at these soap bubbles and in their transparent appears the galaxies of other worlds - I don't exactly know what my visions of the universe reflected. however from subsequent visions beyond the interstellar of my travels it is more appropriate to say that universes within a universe is pretty logic.
- however; this universal phenomenon is also the system of living cells, and chemistry of quantum dynamics - which is to unfold in the following chapters.
PS.: the blog stream of chapters under a single title is stopped here, the random subject will carry on. The right reading order can be followed in my collection: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3642167/HORIZON-OF-INFINITY
You understanding while seeking a way with my work is much appreciated.