The Evolution Psychology of Human Instincts
Vision is a passenger-scientific tool of the mind, which has kept me intrigued since infancy, over half a century in due course, with date stamps and records, compelled by psychoanalytic odysseys reserved for exploration by the deepest halls of my mind.
a rococo coif rising over the horizon, the birth of volition,
innocent white cloud underpinned with a silver lining, angelic and
changing, such a phenomenal force transcendent and cosmic, one's
transcendent volition emerges at such great distance, like a
jellyfish cell through infancy into a tropical thunderstorm, the
magnitude of one’s volition manifest at maturity, by the electric
force, and in the precipitation phase, a spiritual avatar permeating
a fetus to birth. In a shell, a cerebral volition for the
unconscious state to express itself. By the gift of a remote body,
one's transcendent volition is the home of consciousness, housing
firewalls against unwanted cosmic and intrusive peers. By the beacon
at the epicenter of an infant's head, flashing a cycloramic light
beam, streaming to beam sight, one's transcendent volition keeps in
view a cognitive contact. Shrewd, able to pirate a vast open-source
knowledge bank in the supraliminal, a bank of living experience
gathered, in the zodiacal garden of evolution. Instinctive
transcendent volition reaches out. Today's generations are reaping
the faculties, which each individual contributes to through the
build-up of technological advancement.
Meant to Illustrate:
butterfly wings span out as our evolved transcendent volition from
the web of a quasi galactic cocoon, which came together by the
virtual fabric of a single cell, which is represented by the evolving
clones of these plasticine balls circling the corners of the evolving
blueprint spheres brought forth from a virgin universe.
Cells evoke a dynamic domino effect, such as skaters on an ice rink, life skating through the passage of time, which is represented by a glass sheet, as the current living generation generates across all species of life.
The butterfly wings that emerge from a cocoon that clouds together into a mass, divides and flattens by a galactic swirl into hot red and cold blue wings, one's transcendent cognitive volition – the soul of volition.
The plate of glass, in a balanced transparent light, , from a two-way mirror effect, mind teasing phenomena, by a virtual reality – a representation of the volition of puppeteering Man, the mind jumps that physical manifestation to its source – one's transcendent cognitive volition. Clairvoyant and derivative, surpassing the boundary of reality – psychic tools given to access that virtual reality where there is no time nor dimension, existential as one's ‘present.’
The image illustrates a glow in a lava formation, quasi matter formation, at its heart a galactic-cosmic neuron burning out, a virtual cancer and universal cycle of a transcendent volition, quasi cerebral.
Technically Abstract:
A mother
to be, her embryo develops a cerebral beacon1
of light, and sight calling forth, an emergency blue light ambulance
in motion in a pitch black night, from that organ center. A
telescope crosshairs from a ship on rough seas, tracking a waxing
face and an ephemeral eclipse of the earth spinning through seasons
in orbit under the auspice of the force and choice of one's
volition relies on the flash of the searchlight of the cerebral
fetus to a mature beacon, to align and focus to the point of birth.
After birth, and through upbringing and the span of a lifetime, one
is addressed by that parsec-ray, an umbilical cord, as the object
of a parallax in the limelight of our transcendent volition,
shoulder whispering a hint of moral compass, the mischievous
willpower, stationary and reflected in the arc of the parallax, a
satellite dish, and by a cosmic dimension as flat as a sheet of
glass. Transcendent volition stays connected, overseeing our
wellbeing, through the zoological gardens, remote connections as one
moves through the wild screams of the jungle in the depths of the
night, and by day, a sailing veil shadows the sunlight’s color and
casts misfortune, the crystal clarity of the cerebral beacon left
in the lurch. Out of the crosshairs, comparative to jet lag, the
snapped elastic of the sourcing of our transcendent-cognitive
In answer to the question:
By a flutter of butterfly wings tattooed with
one’s volition, puppeteering fingers, playing at the harp,
voiceless manifests at the bristle of the sun’s rays, such as the
lights of a music fountain. Virtual water drops along an optic
fiber, and at the end, needle prickling, the parsec-ray in motion
like a laser beam cutting through our dense path. These fractions of
time, rhyme syllables, notion of words, the timbre of the messenger
orchestrating in a cadence to exalt the understanding of phrases.
One's mind dedicated to the forgotten cerebral beacon, in picking up
these psychic extra-sensory perceptions, reaps the fruits of its
visions, or angels’ whispers, the derivative of dreaming, our
instinct in the first degree, as a tool in our survival kit.