Understanding Transcendent Quantum Dynamics At Reckoning With Cognitive Psychology
By writing this article, it became clear that
quantum dynamics and gravitation dynamics are not related, and
illustrating as such that separation by a transcendent embryonic
cell, reckoning this vivid tapestry of the mind – imagination,
kicks my mind back 65 billion years into a pitch black hibernating
universal fabric. The perfection of nothing, dotted by an eyesight
presence. Flawed. Suscitating an inadvertent wake up call. I asked
myself a simple question; How? Seeing the universe gets about
void of raw materials, without the hands to maneuver, and headless
erects an assembly plant, furnishing with workbenches, and bringing
the tools about to manufacture an ignition key. In absolute
discretion, infinity without imagination in a turn of events ignites
whining up an alternator. Sparking off in a combustion chamber fuel,
and six in a series of attuned pistons, rotating a crankshaft. The
breath of a purr, rev up, evolution pulls off, accelerating, amassing
and swarms a transcendent-volition, a way through a zoological decors
exploring a phenomena toward the birth of life on earth.
While every effort is made by the principal author to create short, self-sustained chapters, unique scenarios, and a self-sustained story, in some cases particular terms or words may lose their meaning imbued in a metaphysical context with related articles.
Meant to Illustrate:
1Background depth:
Given the rocky peaks as a preemptive perspective
into the far distant depth of all times. The universe source of
evolution, like a child seated at a maternity school table needle
pricking a glossy black paper. Black-Luminescence, an invisible
universal glaire that 'heated' coagulates into a white substance,
emanates one after the other a starry light evoking an emerging
pattern. In numbers tightens, in density a magnetic Milky Way, which
sleeks out to a silvery water mirror.
2Angle's hair:
Blustery ethereal and magnetic locks of silvery
angle's-hair from afield. Invariable like crocheting the threads of
an axial dynamics emanating from the invisible fabric in a pitch
black universe. In the vicinity, and auxiliary, to the open air
structural Atomium, a virtual spider spinning silks in the square
light of a window casing, processing a lens shutter at the six
facets and boxing in a sphere.
3The Module:
The Atomium distinguished by coaxial modules, the
erected scaffolding pipes clamped at the end over the crisscrossing
axes by virtue of a ball of fingers. Emanating the auxiliary
assembly of a universal blueprint a space-station the cubic armature
of a binary system. Eliciting the blueprint circle in the
transversal-axes – in the crosshairs, initiating, and transposing
the cardinal X, Y and Z-axes – which, like molten glass suspended
in the middle of the module. By the pointing crisscrossing coaxial
pipes, to the virtual lips of six glass blowers. Each in turn
breathes, and heart throbs a bubble to balloon.
4Colors of the cardinal axes
The emphatic bluish-bubble home by the Atomium
outlines, suspended by the coaxial crosshairs a 100% dynamic red
animated cardinal axis, like a flying star in a twilight zone –
through a quantum field. Which like a bird striking a plate-glass
patio doors, breaks the red axis in an apparent pillow fight
scattering down. The laser like beam in perpetual disintegration
give recourse to the 66% Y-blue and 33% Z-green cardinal axes, while
the trail of a window reflection the passive course of the axes.
5Spinning tops
Three spinning tops shown by a long shaft an
active anti-clockwise prongs starting in their respective axial
color. At the height of a piercing force, the resistant red in a
greater size, declining to a blue and onto a green. Stems a single
spinning top alternating in crosshairs the coaxial spokes of the
wheel, attuning [active] driving axle to a numerological sequence by
a pleiad of dice. Regressive, fine tuning three strokes clockwise, a
short shaft [passive] completing one cycle of a rotary motorization.
6Orbital particle rings
In the crosshairs, like planting the point of a
compass exciting a propitious fabric. The other arm hinged and
tracing, such as an intercontinental aircraft crossing an azure sky.
A coaxial friction red hot cometic light particle trailing a laser
beam race in the wake of a tapering out dispersing contrail dense at
the thrust of jet engines. Contrary to an effective transcendent far
afield in the vast vacuum of a virgin black universe, smoky
luminescence coagulates and drags tapering down in a trajectory. The
jet engine scooping up by virtue of a booster extrusion die, and in
the axis cast the cometic light, pursuant on a Globe of Death
courses, orbit a nascent heart throb wall of an expanding bubble,
innumerable rings of revolving particles.
The image inset:
7A fistful pleiad of dice
Each of the die emanates an historic evolutive
clone of a ball – and alike children at the start of a new
school-year – relevant maturity of a principle binary
cube-and-sphere module. Such as the logic rule of a puzzle ending
boxed victorious in matching six die tiles. The image illustrates in
a bubble a shooting of seven dice. In partnership reckoning with
their racial coaxial color, characterizing playmates with a pouch
shaking a hustle of marbles. Draw an opening hand in a pool by the
passive and active line up with the seventh and odd one out of dice.
Lagging behind the principle peripheral playmates starting off
casting a focal homologic one-pip face to the middle monochrome of a
die. In a game for keeps, and fine tuning of a universal
numerological raster, equivalent to a polarized shutter to a coaxial
color at determining which of the schoolmates matched the ray of
light of a master in the making by accumulating a set of pips that
configures a die.
Technically Abstract:
8Synergetic start up
Pinging in the scope of crosshairs an awakening
axis out of infinity to an underlying universal blueprint. The
opposing crossbars prongs on planted posts delimiting an excited
axis drawn taut to extremes. Motivating a perpetual texture,
encompassing a field of circles to spring to tangent points.
Black-luminescence awakening in simultaneity; activating the breath
of glass blowers while outward spreading a coaxial conducive wire.
Inductive synergetic filament heating red hot a resilient element
blowing at the crosshairs, in tandem a soap like solution bubbles.
Evolving to animate a pair of clones mass gain balls into hustling
forthcoming, either a Slave vis-a-vis a Master position.
9A Self-reckoning cell:
By virtue of an accidental arc welding flare
mutating in either coaxial red, blue or green, the tubes breathing a
heart throb bubble. Morphing a potential mature plasticine solid,
pressing the pips by the processor of an architectural pleiad of
dice in a numerological harmony. Printing an integrated circuit and
fiber optic activating photosensitive boxed shutters to reach the
cycloramic eye. With colored eyelids filtering lenses and fine
tuning coaxial wired switches. Zeroing in, flashing the beacon of
sight cranking a virtual six-cylinder crankshaft. Timing a
transcendent mechanical recourse of the evolving cardinal axes.
Which coaxial rod of pistons, after ignition of the slave dice
chambers, launching the rotary motor. Flipping off the coaxial claws
with a domino effect, scheduled a spinning top velocity and driving
the master moment to the adjacent slave dice into a futuristic
expanding movement.
10Quantum dynamics
At the momentum black-luminescent traffic ceased
solid such as coaxial pencil points in the crosshairs of a bubble
integrating a practical six-pointed sharpener. In the axial active
and passive hue alternating an axle torque, for a dynamic rotation
with the coaxial spokes of a wheel. The instant of needle points in
a head-on collision, the moment points touch to spark off an arc
welding flare at consuming the flux – like a simultaneity of cars
approaching on a four ray monorail intersection. At a lightning
velocity and a timing off a fraction entering, a switching platform,
and meeting a plummeting and a projecting cars in an elevator shaft.
Cars in a perpetual crash, unclogging a virtual molten glass, an
effective gas bubbling underwater arc welding, flaring in
smithereens, bright as a star in the night, such as whittling pencil
leads to dust and sleeve wood shavings – .
The sporadic flare, a fist punched blasting off
crystal residues, denting the lining and scoring axial pores in the
film. Specter of an octopus, tentacles wiggling a growth on the
outreach, emphatic vivid in the forth dimension, a code seven and
shy automation key.
Tentative a body and in the diagonal auxiliary
axial braces, in a symmetric drafting the magnetic gantries. In
order to determine corners clamps and the coaxial scaffolding pipes.
Structuring cantilevers from the central and master die pillar for
the adjacent evolving clone bubbles emanating out of a virgin
Home to a mutant breath of oxygen, mischievous
subjective to a myriad of crystalline residues. Such as a faucet
spouting a tube in a bowl, and swoops the water, which converted to
a dramatic sextuplet. Sputtering like droplets from a mass, fringy
crystalline into sprightly projectile ricochet inside an expanding
octuple digestive balloon.
Timing the ignition for the first needle point to
flip off. A directive domino effect waking up a dynamics in the
adjacent bubble. While continuing a sequential coaxial transmission
in rotation to a six point cycle. Revving up, such as a combustion
engine, the block interior mechanics susceptible to an auto
acceleration suscitating an evanescent dynamics, ghosting a ball –
a bubble reaching simultaneous maturity to the constraining octuple
magnetic lattice. Sparking the emergent crankshaft ends by the
firing bolstering red hot particles and bolting of a rotary
friction. Bearing the conceptual enlarging looping trails at the
rate of the heart throb expanding balloon. Visibly orbiting rings
along the cardinal planes, together with the cutting through body
diagonals and final quantic momentum of the binary module.
11The mechanics
Historic a transcendent auto-reckoning binary
cell, whereby dotted clone slaves democratic select their chief.
Spreading the individual dynamics by a domino effect. Enlightening
native villages in the jungle, amass and nurturing a tapestry of
swirls. Widening a social structure, with influential busy circles
quasi cocooned. A single spacecraft in the midst of a quasar cloud
spreading and breaking a synthetic gassy red hot and cold blue to a
fluttering starry dotted butterfly wings that matured one's
transcendent-volition – .
Morphing forth adumbrating a harp with raised
hands. Fingers on strings that break through a starry umbra dome, to
a messenger of music from the puppeteering transcendent-volition.
There, purfling a reverberating cord by a single embracing
mountaineering water drop descending, in the midst of an innumerable
orchestrated twilight passage through the zodiacal jungle. Caught in
the weather near the ground, the binary cell released grips to hang
in the fog. Progressive along a cyclonic turbulence. In a
thunderstorm regurgitating raindrops. The binary cell jumps
obstacles, to leap and spark off, carried along the scintillating
lightning and awakening a fetus to birth.
Inhibited of experience, transcendent-volition
puppeteers biorhythmic light waves impregnating the new born with the
binary eyed cell nestling for a neurological existential awareness.
Finding a cognitive recognition by the genetic blueprint. Scheduling
functional growth, and body health, ripens in the light of curiosity
by growth incentives. By arguments stimulating the sound of the
linguistic mind. Ageing within a porous skin, in death oozing the
visitant spirit, which binary cell full of joy escapes and leaves
behind the life long restraining corpse. Impregnating an oxygen
molecule, flirts with currents, feeling master of the universe.
Sharing the breath of air with the living, at accessing the
supraliminal knowledge bank, and the first industrious sun rays
portrays an atmospheric daily morality.
Vision is a
passenger-scientific tool of the mind,
which has kept me intrigued since infancy, over half a
century in due course, with date stamps
and records, compelled by psychoanalytic
odysseys reserved for exploration by the
deepest halls of my mind.
Here are some links for
further in-depth reading, the core of a detailed work: “The
Code: Horizon Of Infinity”
Press release video: YouTube
2:2 Video The Code: Horizon of Infinity
Books available from the publisher:
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