The Third Eye – The Tool At Reaching Out To G-D
I only heard of the Third Eye of recent, but I
referenced the mystical, esoteric
'eye and ear' which
provides perception similarly to obstacle avoidance bat's cry. Only
that the beacon in the depth of my brain, is like on emergency
vehicles flashes a cycloramic evanescent light into the night, and
like dropping a stone in a water well hitting the water given that
extra radar dimension.
the virtual beacon of sight-and-cochlea – the
sending light pelting in rotation and hit the photovoltaic nerve of
another virtual beacon create a buffer zone and channel the
communication of the cochlea part of the receptive brain's beacon.
during a three-month stay with an Hindu practicing
woman, very religious, she though, having religion to teach me. as we
chatted, I deduced from her dogmatic perception of the Hindu gods, I
think through my paranormal experiences and wedging in a no god
angle. We didn’t meet that often, though taking to the Hindu woman,
she grew attentive, and mentioned that I live out my “Third Eye,”
which wasn’t in my vocabulary. Did my research in the aftermath, to
find a similitude with what I have been experiencing and mentioning
in my work, as the 'beacon of light (to swap for cochlea) and sight.'
feeling the Third Eye, has come to me in many
forms, which is pretty mechanical, the brain funnels cosmic energy
into the brain, gathering concentration to the functioning of the
beacon of sight-and-cochlea. though the brain has another function of
acute concentration to the front lob of the brain, behind the eyes,
which eyeballs concentrate and emit from the eyes invisible but all
the same an invisible parsec-ray driving like a laser beam, the beam
of sight, which pelts the objects at a greater speed than light, and
punches our vision through space. I keep focused on a person 70 yards
away in the neck. betting with myself, and awaking that woman yoga
guru in front of a dancing group. I don't think I cheated selecting
such a person, but this woman was far, than otherwise the person is a
few stride upfront to fuse at the top of the neck, and won my bet
when a moment later she turn around and looks me straight in the
Such as on the top of a emergency vehicle flashing
in the night in a cycloramic rotation, the beacon of
sight-and-cochlea in the head functions in about the same fashion –
I am behind my laptop and connected to the Internet – we are in the
late 97's, the technological debit of the modem then, is at a speed
of 13.6 Kbits/s and screeching when activated. Which Instant Messages
in its innovation is just sufficient for texting, no images, no
icons! At the time, it resembles much the Quora setup of Questions
and Answers. In order to study telepathy (godly reaching out
intelligent tentacles amidst connected people,) I had my profile set
up promising the caller wherever in the world that within 15 minutes
I'll sketch a portrait. This is after I realized after a few months,
chatting over the Internet, dawned in my head a few moments earlier
that caller before the little texting window flashed the contacts on
screen, with a subtle white cloud filling my cranium space. Which,
was brought to my notice at first, at the end of communicating, the
abrupt contact break, like a sudden dark cloud shadows the silver
lining at feeling the temperature fall to a chill, all in my head.
From sitting at a bar around the corner, for an evening glass of wine
in the University Village, I thought reading minds, and telepathy was
generated by proximity, and getting to be known over a few years and
knowing and friending regular customers. There, I learned over the
years that if the person come to me, they are read at heart and in
mind. So, Mentalistic, I was ready to confront the hearth of callers.
trials done in all discretion before committing myself openly to the
Internet, there was on condition, the callers were to give me their
birth date. And like hitting two objectives with one stone, indulging
callers with their zodiacal characteristics, exclusive the caller's
personality traits, as this is the fasted therapy to relax a person's
mental block. Callers cut me off annihilating what they discovered
about themselves. returning the next day or within a week, I knew by
then the fingerprints stoking at hearth their energy. The caller's
mind clearing the way to their soul, accelerated dawning the fleecy
cloud sculpturing the caller's face all the clearer.
I lived in Lille, France at the time, and stopped
my experiments when across the Atlantic, I described a student from
the University of Plymouth, (the name features in my work,) My mind
zoomed out of the white clouds, to featured in pastel color as a
receptionist (student) job. Retrieved further than anticipated,
entering in Connecticut her parents at the stoop watching over the
twelve year old little girl running toward the bottom of the yard.
What I wanted, out of my experiment, were
scientific records, dates and times and what we chatted about, to
unveil these people, whereas, she sent me pictures in confirmation.
Vision is a
passenger-scientific tool of the mind,
which has kept me intrigued since infancy, over half a century
in due course, with date stamps
and records, compelled by
psychoanalytic odysseys reserved
for exploration by the deepest halls of my mind.
Here are some links for
further in-depth reading, the core of a detailed work: “The
Code: Horizon Of Infinity”
Video in conjunction with my work: YouTube
2:2 Video The Code: Horizon of Infinity
Books available from the publisher:
Book available at Amazon: